Your Field Partner.

We provide several different services that help with planning and setup for self drainage solutions. We partner with you to eliminate concerns and ensure proper drainage the first time!

Tile Design

One of the main concerns we receive from customers is doing the actual tile design for their field. With a proper design and AgLeader technology, our customers can automate the slope of their tile with a few clicks of a button.

If you’re concerned about the tile design, don’t let that hold you back from self-tiling. We’ll handle this for you, so you know everything’s being done right the first time!

Setup and Training

For our customers, we can a full setup and training so you know everything’s done the right way from the start. Though self-tiling is very simple, the peace of mind knowing you’re doing it the right way, is worth a lot! We’re here to help. We can assemble your plough, technology and train you on your own equipment.

Co-op Ownership

For smaller farms, or those that aren’t ready to make a full commitment into self-tiling, we provide services to pair you with other farmers. We can help find someone in your area for a “shared ownership”. This reduces your upfront cost, while still achieving the same end results.

You may lose some of the flexibility to tile whenever you wanted, but depending on your farm size, the savings could be worth it. Contractors often charge $10’s of thousands for smaller jobs to make larger profits. Shared ownership in this instance can make a lot of sense.

Don’t be intimidated by self-tiling. We’re here to help show you how simple it is to increase your yield, profits and maximize your fields’ potential for future generations.